Brisk California Iced Tea Design Submission: BYVM x BRISK Contest
This was my design submission for the Brisk California Iced Tea Contest last year. They were coming up with a new flavor of strawberry and tangerine. Requirement was limited to 6 colors, and I think I did pretty gosh darn well. Unfortunately, I did not win the contest, but made runner up, however, the experience was still well worth it. I had an amazing time designing and experimenting with a different style.
This was my design submission for the Brisk California Iced Tea Contest last year. They were coming up with a new flavor of strawberry and tangerine. Requirement was limited to 6 colors, and I think I did pretty gosh darn well. Unfortunately, I did not win the contest, but made runner up, however, the experience was still well worth it. I had an amazing time designing and experimenting with a different style.
You can see my submission here.